This made me think how was I at that place or what inspired me to be there. This was in the first minute of the second half of the football match between dream a dream kids and nike employees.
Minutes before this all I was doing was watching them all play from a distant and when Pooja asked me why am I not playing all I could say was "I'll go in for the second match", well, there was no second match..Rakesh knew it and he literally pushed me into the game with a few other kids who could not play in the first half as substitutes for the players who were really tired...That one little push made a difference to me, I scored the first Goal of my life, that's least for me..And the truth is that it'll be big and important for anyone...Think of the kids who were playing there first match, who were competing against each other and against their own selves, their own limitations for the first time, who were experiencing the spirit of the game and togetherness of the team and more than anything they were experiencing the human will to WIN. They all wanted to WIN and not as an individual but as a TEAM. They were pushing themselves, running from one side of the ground to another.
And how did this all happen?...with the efforts of a few individuals in the Dream Team and Nike.
That's what the Dream Team strives to do, they work to push people to their best. They strive to make kids aware of their potential, they are trying to give them dreams, aims and GOALS. Now, that's a GOAL!!!